Message from the President

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Thanks to the Committee, Welcome to the Committee

The CHCC AGM was held on Sunday May 2 at the clubrooms where we transitioned from Season 20/21 to Season 21/22.

At this meeting, we said ‘goodbye and thanks’ to some of our Committee members who rolled off the committee at the end of the season gone.

Ben Caplikas, Stephen Cotter, Claire Williamson, Tony Peake, Tim Rath along with Jeremy Watson all relinquished their respective roles. They have all put in an enormous amount of effort over a number of seasons taking on leadership roles and providing great counsel for our club. A huge thank you to all of them

Having said ‘goodbye’ we were then fortunate to say ‘welcome’ to a number of new committee members, including: Liddy Clark, Karen Douglas, Jamie Holton and Simon Skoblar. We are all looking forward to working together and we have had a very successful first meeting of this committee a week or so back.

The Season 21/22 committee (along with their official and unofficial roles) is now:

  • Adam Lewis (President)

  • Liddy Clark (Vice-President)

  • Rachael Jones (Treasurer)

  • Callen Behmer (Secretary)

  • Karen Douglas (Women’s)

  • Rebekah Drake (Social)

  • Louis Burstin (Social)

  • Mark Jones (Vets)

  • Malty Lynas (Senior Mens & Juniors)

  • Jamie Holton (General)

  • Simon Skoblar (General).

  • Luke Smith & Ben King as representatives of the Junior Subcommittee

At the AGM we also paid respects to former Club President Bill Learhinan who passed away recently, and was a great and passionate servant of the Club.

Thanks to all those who attended the meeting and wrapped up another successful year at the Hill. We are very excited about our season ahead and already actively planning for a huge season. 

Joshua Sale

The club’s Senior Men’s coach for the last two seasons, Joshua Sale, has decided to leave the club following a job offer that he couldn’t refuse.

Josh has been a really valuable member of our club and has managed to fit his coaching activities in around his other various commitments as best as he could.

Thanks Josh, we wish you all the best in your new endeavours and hope that when you have an occasional Saturday afternoon free we will see you down at the club. 

The club is now actively seeking coaching candidates for both Senior Women’s and Senior Men’s sides. If you know of anyone who might be a great fit, let myself (Adam), Karen Douglas or Malty Lynas know.

City of Yarra Fees & Charges Update

Many of you would be aware that the City of Yarra is in the process of proposing to update their Sport & Recreation Fees and Charges. This impacts our Club in that it recommends an increase in fees for us to continue to have exclusive Summer access to the Ramsden St Nets, Oval and Pavilion; and also the Walker St Nets and Oval (at the times we book them for).

The proposed increase will ultimately have an impact on our registration fees. The new fees and charges, if passed, will see a circa 40% increase in registration fees as it is phased in over three years.

The Committee is objecting to the proposal on several grounds, including that it is manifestly unfair to the Club and significantly devalues the contribution that the Club makes to the social fabric of our community across all ages, genders, social backgrounds and abilities. To this end, the Committee has sent a letter to the Council members seeking to raise our case, and the Club President and Vice-President are meeting with the Mayor next week to put our position.

Broadly, the proposal affects the Club in two ways:

  1. An increase to the notional hire fees that the Council would charge the club (increased from $23,422.10 (2020-21) to $51,119.90, phased-in over 3 years)

  2. A decrease to the proportionate discount that Clubs would be eligible for as a result of the Club’s community engagement (CHCC usually qualifies for 100% discount based on various criteria, however the maximum discount would be reduced to 80% and new criteria would be used to assess eligibility)

If the proposal is passed, and assuming CHCC qualifies for the full 80% community engagement discount, the amount of the increased fees payable by CHCC for the 3 year phase in would be as follows:

1st Year: $5,113.19

2nd Year: $7,669.79

3rd Year: $10,226.38

We are working hard to get the best outcome for our club community. In the meantime, we need every member to loudly object to these proposed changes and support the future of this club by reaching out to our ward councillors and their colleagues.

Mayor Cr Gabrielle de Vietri (also our ward councillor) (our ward councillors)


Adam Lewis


Clifton Hill Cricket Club


Seeking Senior Women’s Coach 2021/22


Vale Bill Learhinan